
编辑 / others / daily / 默认分类 / 发布于2020-10-09 / 更新于2024-05-09 / 阅读 891



  1. 2018-07-22 俯卧撑100 引体20
  2. 2018-07-23 俯卧撑110 引体向上30
  3. 2018-07-24 100俯卧撑35引体
  4. 2018-07-25 100俯卧撑35引体向上
  5. 2018-07-27 40引体向上
  6. 2018-07-28 43引体向上
  7. 2018-07-29 20引体向上
  8. 2018-07-30 20引体向上
  9. 2018-07-31 引体向上12 8 9 8 7 😊


  1. 2018-08-04 引体向上 11 10 9 8 7 2个借力双力臂
  2. 2018-08-05 11 5 8 8 7
  3. 2018-08-06 12 10 8 8 7
  4. 2018-08-07 今天 100俯卧撑
  5. 2018-08-08 12 8 9 7 5 6
  6. 2018-08-09 11 8 8 8 7
  7. 2018-08-10 100俯卧撑
  8. 2018-08-11 11 9 8 8 8 50俯卧撑
  9. 2018-08-13 10 9 8 8 7
  10. 2018-08-18 110俯卧撑
  11. 2018-08-20 120
  12. 2018-08-21 140个
  13. 2018-08-26 120 单次俯卧撑到达40
  14. 2018-08-28 30 20 20 20 20


  1. 2018-09-02 50个左右
  2. 2018-09-03 引体 11 8 8 9 7
  3. 2018-09-07 12 10 7 10 7 5 间隔有点长了
  4. 2018-09-08 12 8 8 8 7 7 6 3 4 3 手臂感觉胀胀的
  5. 2018-09-09 13 10 8 8 7 6 6 5 第一次13个勉强完成。 后边做了不少半程(实在上不去了),不过没计数。
  6. 2018-09-11 12 10 7 8 5 3 5 3 3 最后一组荡了十几个,果然荡还是简单啊!!!!
  7. 2018-09-13 解锁体操上杠动作 然后几个双力臂,11 11 10 7 8 7 8 6 5 3
  8. 2018-09-14 10 9 10 6 5 6
  9. 2018-09-15 13个半 10 10 8 8
  10. 2018-09-16 100俯卧撑
  11. 2018-09-17 8 14 9 6 9 5
  12. 2018-09-18 10 10 7 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 热热热 🤮
  13. 2018-09-21 12 10 8 8 6 前两天下雨 俯卧撑
  14. 2018-09-25 13 8 6 7 5 7
  15. 2018-09-26 13 10 8 8 7 7 7 6 5 3 😫 摆动的双力臂果然还是技巧很重要啊。。 估计不用10个标准引体就够了
  16. 2018-09-27 150俯卧撑
  17. 2018-09-28 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6
  18. 2018-09-28 14 11 10 8 8 6 7 5 5 。。。
  19. 2018-09-30 150俯卧撑。


  1. 2018-10-01 15 2个双力臂 5 8 8 7 7 6 8 5 7
  2. 2018-10-02 14 5 。。。。。。
  3. 2018-10-05 15 10 9 9 9 8 6 7 6 7 啦啦啦
  4. 2018-10-06 15 9 8 9 6 8 6 5 3 4 防删
  5. 2018-10-08 13 8 8 9 8 6 6 嘤嘤嘤
  6. 2018-10-09 15 11 11 6 突然下雨。。。
  7. 2018-10-10 16 10 9 8 8 8 8
  8. 2018-10-11 17 12 11 9 8 7 8 快速拉
  9. 2018-10-12 16 8 8 6 5 虚。。。
  10. 2018-10-16 17 13 11 9 9 9 8 前几天下雨休息
  11. 2018-10-17 16 13 12 9 8 8 5 啦啦啦
  12. 2018-10-18 18 11 10 8 11 9 8 吊杠70s 单杠臂屈伸15
  13. 2018-10-20 20 13 11 10 9 8 第一组极限速度追求数量 动作不是很标准 借力20
  14. 2018-10-22 18 13 11 10 9 8 8 8 啧啧啧啧
  15. 2018-10-23 15 后边各种引体瞎拉 感觉状态不太好
  16. 2018-10-24 100引体5个一组 20分钟 然后 9 8 8
  17. 2018-10-26 20 15 9 10 9 8 7 20标准引体√
  18. 2018-10-27 17 13 11 9 9 11 啦啦啦啦
  19. 2018-10-28 15 11 10 8 9 。。。。。。,,
  20. 2018-10-30 17 11 10 11 10 。。。
  21. 2018-10-31 15 14 10 10 10 8 10 11 越来越菜了


  1. 2018-11-02 8 7 9 8 6 5 4 负重10kg
  2. 2018-11-08 不借力双力臂达成 17 11 13 10 10 10 10 前两天下雨在寝室练的倒立,状态好可以十几秒了
  3. 2018-11-10 曲腿人旗 11 9 😕
  4. 2018-11-11 10 10 10 10 10 10 下雨
  5. 2018-11-13 20 11 12 13 11 10 10 10 舒服。
  6. 2018-11-17 下雨。。。。。
  7. 2018-11-23 10 x 5
  8. 2018-11-30 17 11 10 12 11 10 人旗现在曲腿10s+ 估计放假前能完成 前两天的快乐双力臂😋


  1. 2018-12-14 接连下了一个月的雨 难受 估计退到15了
  2. 2018-12-18 17 10 5 10 7 7 5 退步也忒快啊


  1. 2019-01-09 15 8 11 8 7 10 5


  1. 2019-03-05 阔别了两个月的引体向上 14 8 5 5 5 5 5
  2. 2019-03-10 10 7 8 6 6 5 5
  3. 2019-03-18 吊杠70s
  4. 2019-03-23 15 9 6 7 8 6 恢复的太慢了。。
  5. 2019-03-30 12 10 7 8 6 啦啦啦啦啦


  1. 2019-04-01 14 10 10 7 7 9 6 慢速恢复训练
  2. 2019-04-07 16 9 8 8 8 8
  3. 2019-04-08 16 11 10 10 10 9 刺激刺激
  4. 2019-04-15 15 8 8 10 9
  5. 2019-04-16 15 10 8 9 8
  6. 2019-04-20 18 12 10 11 10
  7. 2019-04-23 10x7
  8. 2019-04-25 17 11 11 9 10 7 target 20
  9. 2019-04-30 15 8 11 10 10


  1. 2019-05-02 17 8 11 9 9 啦啦啦
  2. 2019-05-04 18 13 10 10 10 争取一个月内到极限20
  3. 2019-05-07 16 11 10 9 9 啦啦啦啦
  4. 2019-05-09 20 10 10 10 10 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!
  5. 2019-05-11 19 12 12 10 10
  6. 2019-05-13 17 10 10 11 10 啊啊啊啊
  7. 2019-05-16 15 10 11 10 10
  8. 2019-05-17 17 12 10 10 10 夏天到了
  9. 2019-05-19 20 15 12 10 10
  10. 2019-05-20 20 13 12 11 9 啦啦啦
  11. 2019-05-22 20 11 12 10 10 啦啦啦
  12. 2019-05-28 17 11 9 10 10 😭😭
  13. 2019-05-29 12 15 10 10 10
  14. 2019-05-30 体测 20
  15. 2019-05-31 21 12 10 10 。。。。略略略


  1. 2019-06-02 17 12 10 10 10 滴滴滴滴滴
  2. 2019-06-07 17 12 12 10
  3. 2019-06-09 15 10 12 10
  4. 2019-06-10 11 16 10 人旗人旗!!!
  5. 2019-06-12 17 14 10 10 10
  6. 2019-06-15 18 10 10 10 10
  7. 2019-06-16 18 8 8 10 10 。。。
  8. 2019-06-22 15 10 10 10
  9. 2019-06-24 18 8 9 9 10 按百度这个尿性,有空还是我记录全都迁到blog上面吧。。
  10. 2019-06-26 20 11 8 8 10

{% note success simple %} 终于将之前还存在的记录(丢失了19年夏秋的记录)都迁移过来了。 2020-11-09 23:50 {% endnote %}



  1. 2020-10-04 pull-ups 12 6 6 7 6 6 4 3
  2. 2020-10-05 running 3km
  3. 2020-10-06 pull-ups 10 6 4 bar dips17 10 8 + 人旗
  4. 2020-10-08 pull-ups 11 7 8 6 8 6 4
  5. 2020-10-10 pull-ups 11 7 7 7 5 6 5 3
  6. 2020-10-12 running 3km
  7. 2020-10-14 pull-ups 13 8 9 8 6 6
  8. 2020-10-15 bar dips 10 7 7 10 8
  9. 2020-10-18 pull-ups 14 8 8 9 6 5
  10. 2020-10-20 pull-ups 14 10 8 7 7
  11. 2020-10-22 pull-ups 15 9 9 7 5 6
  12. 2020-10-24 bar dips 17 10 10 10 16
  13. 2020-10-26 pull-ups 15 10 9 8 8 2
  14. 2020-10-28 pull-ups 15 11 11 9 6
  15. 2020-10-30 pull-ups 15 10 10 7 7 2


{% note warning simple %} 这个月希望能完成单次20个的小目标,恢复到自己的巅峰 {% endnote %}

  1. 2020-11-01 pull-ups 10 10 10 10 10 人体旗帜还是不太稳定发挥
  2. 2020-11-03 pull-ups 16 12 10 10 8
  3. 2020-11-05 pull-ups 17 15 12 8 8 今天晚上很舒服,很小的的风。加上组内间隔时间稍长。
  4. 2020-11-07 pull-ups 15 13 12 9 8 人旗果然还是主要靠背,练了一个月的引体向上之后,人旗的感觉明显比之前强了。
  5. 2020-11-09 pull-ups 15 11 11 11 8 人旗的感觉有点像梦一样了,感觉有点不太真实。不要再搞些花里胡哨的了,专心提数量吧
  6. 2020-11-10 人旗80°
  7. 2020-11-11 pull-ups 17 13 10 8 8
  8. 2020-11-13 pull-ups 20 14 10 10 8 手感状态哈哈🤪🤪
  9. 2020-11-14 人旗 + 差一点的双力臂
  10. 2020-11-15 pull-ups 19 14 11 10 10
  11. 2020-11-17 竟然下雨了,推迟到明天
  12. 2020-11-18 pull-ups 18 14 10 9 10 吊杠60s
  13. 2020-11-20 pull-ups 19 13 12 10 8
  14. 2020-11-22 bar dips 10*5 太冷了,考虑买个室内的在宿舍内试试。
  15. 2020-11-24 pull-ups 12 15 11 10 10
  16. 2020-11-26 pull-ups 15 15 11 10 10 bar dips 15*2
  17. 2020-11-28 pull-ups 15 11 15 15 10 买了个在宿舍的,还行,只需要练双杠和人旗的时候出去了
  18. 2020-11-30 pull-ups 18 15 15 10 10


  1. 2020-12-02 pull-ups 20 15 13 10 10
  2. 2020-12-03 bar dips 20 20 15 15 15
  3. 2020-12-04 pull-ups 22 15 15 13 10
  4. 2020-12-07 pull-ups 10 13 12 10 10
  5. 2020-12-08 bar dips 20 20 15
  6. 2020-12-09 pull-ups 15 13 10 10 10
  7. 2020-12-11 pull-ups 15 12 10 10 10
  8. 2020-12-14 pull-ups 15 11 11 10 10
  9. 2020-12-15 burpee 30min
  10. 2020-12-17 pull-ups 17 12 12 10 10
  11. 2020-12-18 burpee 30min
  12. 2020-12-19 pull-ups 15 12 手被割破了,难受 100蹲起
  13. 2020-12-20 push up 30 20 30 20
  14. 2020-12-23 burpee 110
  15. 2020-12-24 pull-ups 15 12 10 10 10
  16. 2020-12-25 burpee 100
  17. 2020-12-26 pull-ups 20 10 11 10 10
  18. 2020-12-27 burpee 130
  19. 2020-12-29 pull-ups 16 13 11 10 10
  20. 2020-12-30 burpee 150



  1. 2021-01-01 pull-ups 20 12 11 10 10
  2. 2021-01-02 burpee 100
  3. 2021-01-03 pull-ups 20 12 10 10 10
  4. 2021-01-04 burpee 200 练完后w拉伸刺激!!!
  5. 2021-01-06 pull-ups 20 12 11 11 11 突然解锁搭腕慢双


  1. 2021-03-09 pull-ups 10 10 10
  2. 2021-03-11 pull-ups 15 9 5
  3. 2021-03-24 pull-ups 15 10 10 5 10
  4. 2021-03-28 pull-ups 10 10 10 10 10


  1. 2021-04-04 burpee 50 开始恢复运动了
  2. 2021-04-07 pull-ups 15 10 10 10 10
  3. 2021-04-10 bench press
  4. 2021-04-12 bench press
  5. 2021-04-13 乒乓球
  6. 2021-04-14 pull-ups 17 12 12 10 10
  7. 2021-04-15 bench press
  8. 2021-04-19 bench press
  9. 2021-04-21 pull-ups 18 15 12 10 11
  10. 2021-04-24 pull-ups 19 10 10 10 12
  11. 2021-04-25 bench press
  12. 2021-04-26 pull-ups 15 12 10 12 11


  1. 2021-05-05 pull-ups 17 12 10 10 10
  2. 2021-05-07 bench press
  3. 2021-05-09 pull-ups 15 12 14 3 12 12
  4. 2021-05-11 pull-ups 20 14 12 10 9
  5. 2021-05-13 健身房
  6. 2021-05-15 健身房
  7. 2021-05-16 20 15 10 12 10
  8. 2021-05-17 健身房
  9. 2021-05-18 双力臂,学了一点技巧后就感觉很轻松了,可以连做几个。顺风旗 5s 可能动作还不是很完美,之后找个时间拍个照片看看
  10. 2021-05-19 乒乓球
  11. 2021-05-20 bench press 50kg58 可以加重量了
  12. 2021-05-21 muscle up 6 3 pull-ups 18 12 14 10 10 unstoppable
  13. 2021-05-22 bench press 5526 5045
  14. 2021-05-23 human flag muscle up 7 pull-ups 18 10 10 10 10 先热个身感觉会更好一些
  15. 2021-05-24 bench press 60kg52 55kg76
  16. 2021-05-27 bench press 60kg55 二头
  17. 2021-05-29 muscle up 6 pull-ups 20 13 10 10 10
  18. 2021-05-30 bench press 60kg57 肩飞鸟 下拉80kg*3


  1. 2021-06-02 bench press 60kg56 最后一组差点完求了
  2. 2021-06-04 pull-ups 前水平!!! muscle up 5 pull-ups 14 10 10 10
  3. 2021-06-05 bench press 60kg58 二头 25kg85
  4. 2021-06-07 muscle up front lever 5 pull-ups 18 14 12 10 10
  5. 2021-06-08 bench press 60kg
  6. 2021-06-10 bench press 60kg
  7. 2021-06-13 bench press 60kg55
  8. 2021-06-14 pull-ups 20 15 10 10 10
  9. 2021-06-16 bench press 60kg
  10. 2021-06-17 squat 40kg
  11. 2021-06-19 bench press 60kg
  12. 2021-06-20 前水平练习 pull-ups 12 11 10 10 10
  13. 2021-06-22 pull-ups 23 15 10 10 10 free handstand 5s
  14. 2021-06-24 -- 2021-06-30 bench press or `row pull-ups


  1. 2021-07-01 bench press 60kg 7 6 6 6 6 6
  2. 2021-07-02 row pull-ups 10*5
  3. 2021-06-05 bench press 65kg
  4. 2021-07-06 row pull-ups 10*5
  5. 2021-07-08 pull-ups 23 15 12 10 10 front lever 3s then muscle up 3
  6. 2021-07-09 tuck pull-ups to tuck planche
  7. 2021-07-12 row pull-ups 105 human flag 5s2
  8. 2021-07-13 tuck pull-ups to tuck planche and pull-ups
  9. 2021-07-15 pull-ups 22 10 10 10 10
  10. 2021-07-17 muscle up 5*3 human flag tuck pull-ups to tuck planche and pull-ups
  11. 2021-07-23 muscle up 5 human flag 5s*2 pull-ups 23 19 10 10 14
  12. 2021-07-25 tuck push-ups 5 3 3 push-ups 30 25 20
  13. 2021-07-26 human flag 5s*2 front lever tuck pull-ups 10 10 10


  1. 2021-08-01 muscle up 7 6 5 pull-ups 15 13 12 front lever 脱鞋完美解锁
  2. 2021-08-02 tuck push-ups
  3. 2021-08-02 core
  4. 2021-08-04 tuck pull-ups 10*5
  5. 2021-08-05 tuck push-ups 6 5 5
  6. 2021-08-06 core
  7. 2021-08-07 pull-ups 8 25 15 10 10 10
  8. 2021-08-11 tuck pull-ups
  9. 2021-08-12 tuck push-ups
  10. 2021-08-14 front lever muscle up 8 5 5 side pull-ups
  11. 2021-08-15 push-ups 20*15 70min


  1. 2021-09-10 pull-ups 20 10 10 10 10
  2. 2021-09-11 push-ups 100
  3. 2021-09-13 pull-ups 15 10 10 10 10
  4. 2021-09-15 push-ups 100
  5. 2021-09-16 pull-ups 20 9 12 10 10 | 5 10
  6. 2021-09-18 push-ups 100
  7. 2021-09-20 pull-ups 20 12 10 10 10
  8. 2021-09-21 push-ups 100
  9. 2021-09-23 tuck pull-ups 85 pull-ups 102
  10. 2021-09-24 push-ups 100
  11. 2021-09-26 pull-ups 20 10 11 10 10


  1. 2021-10-07 hand-stand 60s 50s 50s
  2. 2021-10-09 pull-ups 20 13 10 10 10
  3. 2021-10-17 pull-ups 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
  4. 2021-10-18 free handstand push-ups 30 30 25 25
  5. 2021-10-20 pull-ups 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 10
  6. 2021-10-22 pull-ups 15 10 10 7 9 10 8 8
  7. 2021-10-24 free handstand
  8. 2021-10-26 pull-ups 15 10 10 10 10 10 10


  1. 2021-11-02 pull-ups 10 8 10 10 10 10 10
  2. 2021-11-11 free handstand
  3. 2021-11-12 pull-ups 10 10 5 10 9 10 8 7 10
  4. 2021-11-13 free handstand
  5. 2021-11-15 pull-ups 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
  6. 2021-11-16 bar dips 25 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15


  1. 2021-12-8 pull-ups 10*5
  2. 2021-12-9 push-ups 25*6
  3. 2021-12-10 pull-ups 10 * 6
  4. 2021-12-12 push-ups 25*6
  5. 2021-12-14 burpee 100
  6. 2021-12-15 pull-ups 20 10 10 10 10 6




  1. 2022-01-12 push-ups 25*4
  2. 2022-01-13 pull-ups 15 12 10 10 10 10
  3. 2022-01-16 push-ups 25*4
  4. 2022-01-17 pull-ups 15 20 10 10 10
  5. 2022-01-19 push-ups 25*8
  6. 2022-01-20 pull-ups 15 10 14 10 10 5 12


  1. 2022-02-24 pull-ups 10 10 10 慢慢来
  2. 2022-02-25 push-ups 20*5
  3. 2022-02-28 pull-ups 10 10 10 10


  1. 2022-03-01 push-ups 20 25 20 25 20
  2. 2022-03-03 pull-ups 12 10 10 10 10
  3. 2022-03-05 push-ups 20 25 20 20 20
  4. 2022-03-07 pull-ups 15 12 10 10 10
  5. 2022-03-08 push-ups 20 30 25 25 20
  6. 2022-03-09 pull-ups 22 10 10 10 10
  7. 2022-03-10 push-ups 30 25 25 25 25
  8. 2022-03-13 pull-ups 10*5
  9. 2022-03-14 push-ups 20*4 练个倒立拉着手腕了😭。。
  10. 2022-03-15 出去跑步看到三级跳,试了一下,又扭着腿了。人类真是脆弱啊。。 jojo 我不做人啦
  11. 2022-03-17 pull-ups 10*5
  12. 2022-03-18 push-ups 20 30 30 25 20 20 同时以后每天开始举腿
  13. 2022-03-20 pull-ups 10*5
  14. 2022-03-21 push-ups 25*5
  15. 2022-03-22 push-ups 20 30 25 20 20 20
  16. 2022-03-23 pull-ups 10*5 双力臂还是没问题的
  17. 2022-03-24 push-ups 40 30 25 25 25 25
  18. 2022-03-25 burpee 20*5
  19. 2022-03-26 pull-ups 15 10 10 10 8 5
  20. 2022-03-27 push-ups 20 30 25 25 20 20
  21. 2022-03-30 pull-ups 16 10 10 10 10 8
  22. 2022-03-31 push-ups 20 30 25 25 20 20


  1. 2022-04-01 running 1.2km
  2. 2022-04-02 pull-ups 18 12 10 10 10 10
  3. 2022-04-03 running 2km
  4. 2022-04-04 half handstand push-ups 15 15 15
  5. 2022-04-05 muscle up 6 5 3
  6. 2022-04-07 running 2km
  7. 2022-04-08 muscle up 7 5 5 3
  8. 2022-04-09 bar dips 15 20 20 20 20 half handstand push-ups 15 15 15 15 15 准备控制饮料,稍微减减脂
  9. 2022-04-10 2km 感觉能适应了,这周在跑个2km,下周3km了
  10. 2022-04-12 muscle up 8 5 4 5 4
  11. 2022-04-13 bar dips 15 20 20 20 20
  12. 2022-04-14 2km
  13. 2022-04-17 muscle up 7 5 5 5 5
  14. 2022-04-18 bar dips 15 20 20 20 20
  15. 2022-04-19 2km
  16. 2022-04-20 muscle up 8 4 5 5 4
  17. 2022-04-21 bar dips 10 20 20 20 20
  18. 2022-04-22 muscle up 7 5 5 5 4
  19. 2022-04-25 half handstand push-ups 20 16 16 15 15
  20. 2022-04-22 muscle up 8 2 6 4 5 human flag 5s*4


  1. 2022-05-01 muscle up 9 6 6 5 4
  2. 2022-05-02 half handstand push-ups 10*5
  3. 2022-05-03 muscle up 2 6 5 5 3
  4. 2022-05-04 half handstand push-ups 10*5
  5. 2022-05-06 muscle up 6 5 5 4 4
  6. 2022-05-08 half handstand push-ups 10*6
  7. 2022-05-06 muscle up 8 5 6 4 3
  8. 2022-05-08 half handstand push-ups 15*5
  9. 2022-05-10 muscle up 8 5 5 5 5
  10. 2022-05-11 half handstand push-ups 15*5
  11. 2022-05-13 muscle up 6 5 4 4 4
  12. 2022-05-16 half handstand push-ups 15*5
  13. 2022-05-17 muscle up 10 6 5 5 7
  14. 2022-05-18 half handstand push-ups 15*5
  15. 2022-05-19 muscle up 9 6 5 6 6
  16. 2022-05-20 half handstand push-ups 20*5
  17. 2022-05-22 muscle up 7 7 5 5 5
  18. 2022-05-23 all kinds of push-ups
  19. 2022-05-25 muscle up 9 6 6 5 5
  20. 2022-05-26 push-ups
  21. 2022-05-28 爬崂山去了
  22. 2022-05-29 muscle up 9 6 5
  23. 2022-05-30 all kinds of push-ups


  1. 2022-06-01 muscle up 11 6 7 5 5
  2. 2022-06-02 push-ups
  3. 2022-06-05 muscle up 8 5 6 5 5
  4. 2022-06-07 push-ups
  5. 2022-06-09 muscle up 7 5 5 5
  6. 2022-06-11 bar dips 20 25 25 20 20
  7. 2022-06-12 muscle up 8 5
  8. 2022-06-13 push-ups
  9. 2022-06-15 muscle up 8 6 5 5 5
  10. 2022-06-16 push-ups
  11. 2022-06-17 muscle up 10 6 6 5 5
  12. 2022-06-18 push-ups
  13. 2022-06-20 muscle up 10 6 6 5 5
  14. 2022-06-22 push-ups
  15. 2022-06-23 muscle up 9 6 6 5 5
  16. 2022-06-24 push-ups
  17. 2022-06-25 pull-ups 10*6


  1. 2022-07-08 muscle up 9 6 6
  2. 2022-07-15 free handstand
  3. 2022-07-16 free handstand
  4. 2022-07-17 push-ups
  5. 2022-07-18 muscle up 7 5 5
  6. 2022-07-16 free handstand
  7. 2022-07-20 push-ups
  8. 2022-07-21 muscle up 8 6 6
  9. 2022-07-23 push-ups
  10. 2022-07-24 muscle up 8 6 5
  11. 2022-07-26 push-ups
  12. 2022-07-27 muscle up 8 6 6
  13. 2022-07-29 push-ups
  14. 2022-07-30 muscle up 10 6 6


另外还是差不多每天5*10 垂悬举腿

  1. 2022-08-01 折刀俯卧撑4x10,负重俯卧撑4*15
  2. 2022-08-02 详细说一下锻炼的全部那内容吧,前水平维持 10s 6s 3s 双力臂 8 7 7 拉到前水平 8 6 6 4 反手引体 14 8 8


  1. 2022-09-10 muscle up 9 7 6
  2. 2022-09-11 handstand push-ups 7 5 5 5 5
  3. 2022-09-13 muscle up 9 6 5
  4. 2022-09-11 handstand push-ups 7 5 5 5 5
  5. 2022-09-16 muscle up 8 5 5
  6. 2022-09-17 all kinds of push-ups 15 * 5 10 * 3 10 * 3
  7. 2022-09-28 muscle up 6 5 5
  8. 2022-09-29 bar dips 25 25 20 20 20


  1. 2022-10-02 muscle up 6 5
  2. 2022-10-03 bar dips 20 25 20 20 20
  3. 2022-10-16 尝试前水平 7 6 5 反手引体 10 10 10 10
  4. 2022-10-17 bar dips 25 20 20 20 20
  5. 2022-10-17 靠墙倒立撑 9 6 5 5 5
  6. 2022-10-19 尝试前水平8 6 5 5 反手引体 13 10 10 8
  7. 2022-10-20 bar dips 30 25 25 20 20 20
  8. 2022-10-21 靠墙倒立撑 9 7 6 5 6



  1. 2023-02-19 引体向上 10 10 10 10 8
  2. 2023-02-20 俯卧撑 20 30 25 20
  3. 2023-02-21 靠墙倒立撑 4 5 5 5 5


  1. 2023-02-18 靠墙倒立撑 10*5
  2. 2023-03-19 引体向上 20 10 10 10 10 10



  1. 2023-04-07 引体向上 12 15 10 10 10 10



  1. 2024-05-08 引体向上 13 10 9 9 8